Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday night lights

Could there have been more lesbians on the Oscars tonight? Well, I hope so but it was certainly a lesbo filled night tonight. And weren't our girls all glittery?

I have been formulating some thoughts about the blogosphere lately but the ideas aren't ready for full publication yet.

I had a conversation with Ms Marinucci yesterday about the state of politics in the country and am still trying to wrap my head around the debate last week in Nevada that was only B List. Presidential contenders ran second to the blow p over David Geffen. Did I miss something? Is Geffen's name on the ballot now? Is this the gay mafia speaking? Cus I don;t know any other homo who will be listening for his opinion on the next candidate.

I am looking at another long week in front of me, including hockey and women's Pac-10 basketball. Ah it's a hard job but someone has to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a Sunday night! Four hours of watching lesbians at the Oscars and then another hour of the L Word!

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