Friday, August 10, 2007

Pure snark

Well Thursday was the HRC/Logo Presidential sit-on-the-sofa-with-the-homos-conversation. I screamed a number of times with the questions being asked. My favorite was the bark beetle question. I know my former Gov wishes he had some of those answers back. In fact they may actually want to get a real LGBT adviser to help in the future in the future instead of relying on NM people. This is, after all, a national campaign.

I had been complaining over at Pam's pad that there were no Latinos. My friend, Wilfred, corrected me. In fact there were four, Margo Gomez, Wilson Cruz, Pedro Julio Serrano and Eric Alva. Wow that is some representation! Way to go HRC.

Also on Thursday I went to see my sister at her job at kaiser. We had lunch listening to the kaiser choir. I saw the boss-from-hell there carting her little bundle of joy around. EEEEWWWW! As we were listening to the choir, I looked down and saw a bundle of Focus on the Family magazines. I was horrified. I explained to my sister who the homophobes are and promptly picked up their trash and put it in the nearest receptacle. Ah empowerment. I may not have a job but I still know how to do the right thing.

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