Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back on the horse

So much has happened since I took a break from blogging I was trying to figure out how to catch up. So I am going to just post stuff about all these adventures, news, events, and everything from the last few months and try to go in depth on some of these things like I got married on August 30, one of my sheroes, Del Martin, died, what is going on with Proposition 8 here in California which is the campaign I am working on and what ever else enters my little brain while at the key board.

But tonight I had to share the story about Prop 8. I am working/volunteering all day every day on Prop 8. I am at the DeFrank Center in San Jose, giving out yard signs, sending out email blasts, organizing phone banks, all the stuff involved in a campaign except walking door-to-door.

The opposition, led by the Mormon church, was supposed to do this big roll out yesterday putting a million yard signs up all over the state. So yesterday I looked across the street at our neighbor's house because they are Mormons and I know the man of the house has been going to the local meetings. No sign. I was so relieved because I really like the woman of the house and adore their twin girls.

I started asking around and it turns out that God wants us to win. The Mormons ordered from someone who had the signs made in China. So the signs are still stuck in China. Heeheee. I made sure Ms Marinucci knew about it so I am hoping for some bigger coverage in the Chronicle and to embarrass their asses for buying Chinese. That will help their support a lot. The latest polling showed us up by a lot, like 17 points. I hope to be dancing on their yard signs come November 5. Theirs and John McCain's yard signs.


Anonymous said...

Admirada Gloria:
Nuevamente le pido disculpas por escribir en español. Mi inglés es horrible.
Me alegro de que haya personas como ud. que trabajan por los derechos básicos humanos, tan necesarios incluso en los llamados paises "avanzados" como es el suyo.
Tambíén es una gran noticia que la campaña de los mormones no funcione bien, pero no se fíe: el dinero es muy poderoso y seguro que ellos tienen o consiguen mas que uds.Generalmente las iniciativas conservadoras o incluso retrógradas son muy apoyadas por fuerzas ricas.
Sepa que desde España seguimos con mucho interés la campaña electoral, con gran simpatía hacia Obama pero también la campaña contra la Proposition 8, que nos parece una vergüenza a muchas personas.
Yo también espero que el futuro presidente no sea McCain. De la Sra. Palin, qué decir. Aquí da mucho miedo una mujer con esa actitud y mucha pena el papel de las mujeres que está publicitando al mundo entero.
Un saludo y hasta siempre.

miss wild thing said...

Gracias otra vez para su apoyo y palabras.

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