I went to see my nephew's first football game today. I could tell it had been a looong time since I was around that many teenagers. I realized I have become an old woman.
The noise was just gawd awful. The horrible music being played on crappy louspeakers, the ringing phones, the skateboards clanking on bleachers, the game boy in back of my head, bong, clink, click, ick. What's worse the team got their butts whupped in a very serious fashion, 28-0.
It was a perfect analogy for the US these days. They kept running the same play over and over again, expecting different results. Here comes a run, and then another and another. They threw a whopping three times, twice into the ground and the third an interception. Wow that kept the other team guessing. Third and nine, we'll do the same run.
The travesty in Iraq in not a football game, it is much more serious. Hard to tell from the dumb fucks making speeches all around the country today. If you want some accountability, you're a fascist. Want some different results than killings daily of innocent civilians, then you have become the modern version of Neville Chamberlain.
But what's this? The Dems are sending in a real offense now against Bush! According to WaPo, the Dems are going to try hold a confidence vote on Dumbsfeld. This is like a fleaflicker and end around all in the same play. Ask if you don't know the slang, ok?
I can't believe it! A demand for accountability in Iraq! What? You want to know who made the decision to not send enough troops after the military professionals advised against it? Who made the decision to send Paul Bremer to lead the Provisional Authority and let him disband the Iraqi army and totally piss off Iraqis with guns? And the media is actually asking follow up questions? Now I hope this is not a fake punt gone bad. I can hardly wait to hear the coach tomorrow whining about the other team targetting his star player. Whaa, we've heard it all before and Americans are still dying.
Get a clue or get out. Stop the blood shed. Prepare for November.
The Pentagon has released a really gloomy assessment of conditions in Iraq, and I'm waiting to see how Bush spins that into a liberal plot. He doesn't want to hear anything that contradicts the happy little scenario in his head.
Birmingham Blues
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